15 Marks of the Christian Life from The Paradox of Holiness by Donald G. Bloesch

Hendrickson Publishers Blog

By Patricia Anders, Editorial Director, Hendrickson Publishers

Donald Bloesch teaching at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary.

There are books that ought to be read. And then there are books that must be read. The Paradox of Holiness and Faith in Search of Obedience are books that must be read by those among us who seek to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ proclaimed in language we can understand—language that has the power to lift up our hearts, encourage our spirits, and strengthen our backbones. These books present us with a vision of God who is truly God; not a hobby or an image of ourselves, but God who—in love deeper, richer, and more demanding than we can imagine—reaches out to embrace all of us living amid the fractures, violence, and heartache present in the world today.

—Frederick R. Trost, President (Retired)
Wisconsin Conference of the United Church of…

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